Rental Protections: What Renter's Insurance Is All About

Does Homeowner's Insurance Cover All Types Of Storm Damage?

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Owning a home is a great part of life that requires a lot of responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities you have as a homeowner is to purchase home insurance on the property. When you purchase a policy, you should understand what it covers and what it does not cover, and when it comes to storm damage, your policy is likely to cover certain things and exclude certain things. Storm damage that is typically covered with home insurance Read More»

Tips For Planning A Home Renovation And Changing Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy

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When you own your home, you will have the ability to change it in whatever way you see fit. By getting a remodel, you will be able to change so many aspects of your home, upgrade to new fixtures, and improve your property values at the same time. By taking the time to handle your renovations in a way that works, you will also need to handle matters like switching up your homeowner’s insurance plan. Read More»

How To Protect The Vehicles That Belong To Your Auto Shop Customers

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If you run an auto repair shop, you probably come in contact with other people’s vehicles on a daily basis. You could be concerned that one of these vehicles will be damaged at one point, which could leave you with unhappy customers and an expensive repair bill that your shop might be held responsible for. Accidents can and do happen, but if you follow these tips, you can help protect the vehicles that belong to your auto shop customers and protect your business at the same time. Read More»

Tips To Find A Medical Supplement Insurance Agent And Purchasing The Best Coverage

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If you are aged 65 or older and are currently receiving Medicare, which is a government funded medical insurance plan, you probably are aware of the difficulties in getting all of your medical needs covered. Medicare is simply basic coverage, which means if you visit the doctor and have prescriptions that need to be routinely filled or if you are hospitalized, you will be required to pay a co-payment or perhaps even the full amount for prescriptions. Read More»

Let Your Friend Borrow Your Car And They Were In An Accident? What Will Happen

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If you let your friend and they were in an accident that resulted in damage to your car, the steps you take will be different than if it was you driving. Below is more information about this so you can get your car repaired and back to normal again. Your Friend’s Insurance Company If your friend has car insurance, their insurance company should pay for all damages to your car. If you have deductibles set, however, you will have to pay these out of pocket before your car will be repaired. Read More»