When you call an insurance company for an auto insurance quote, the agent will not give you a quote until you answer a series of questions. These questions tell the agent your risk level and other details about you, and the answers help the agent calculate the costs of your policy. One question you can expect the agent to ask is the amount you would like for your deductible. The amount you pick will affect your policy and budget. Read More»
Few disasters can leave your life upside down as quickly as a flood. In many cases, a flood damage insurance claims adjuster will show up to assess the situation. Regardless of your role, you’ll likely benefit from understanding who an adjuster is and what they will do.
Who Is the Adjuster?
Most adjusters are independent parties who’ve been contracted to provide assessments of claims. Some insurance companies pay for in-house adjusters, but many prefer to pay for services from third parties. Read More»
The basis of a life insurance policy is that it provides money to your loved ones in the event of your death. However, that is not all that a life insurance policy can do for you. With riders you add to your life insurance policy, your policy can provide you with additional benefits.
Rider #1: Accelerated Death Rider
The accelerated death rider is a popular one to add to your life insurance policy. Read More»
The right insurance coverage is integral to your business’s success. Business owner’s policy, BOP, is a common policy for small businesses. Before you purchase BOP coverage, however, you need to know how insurance companies evaluate businesses for insurance purposes. Below are the top factors insurance companies consider.
Property insurance protects you from the loss or damage of the physical properties that your businesses use. It includes the properties you own or lease. Read More»
Preparing to buy your first car? It is an exciting time because you can take yourself to different places instead of having other people drive you around. If you are trying to figure out if you should or should not get auto insurance, know that it is a necessity. You need to have coverage before you start driving your new vehicle.
It Is Required
Having car insurance is a requirement for all drivers. Read More»