Have you tried to obtain life insurance coverage but was turned down more than one time? You don’t have to give up on trying to get coverage, as different providers have specifics requirements. Before applying for coverage again, find out what is possibly causing you to get turned down. You should also take the time to consider the most ideal coverage for your needs in case an insurance agency finally approves your application. Read More»
If you’ve suffered a loss to your home, time is of the essence to take care of the repairs. The last thing you want is to be displaced for longer than is absolutely necessary. You also don’t want problems with your insurance company to delay the process. Unfortunately, after a natural disaster, when claims are at an all-time high, insurance companies are usually looking for a way to mitigate their losses. Read More»
One of the benefits of the American court system is that you can appeal your lawsuit to a higher court if you lose your case. However, you may encounter some challenges when exercising this particular right, and one of those challenges is you may be required to obtain an appeal bond. Here are two reasons the court may flag your case with this particular condition:
Your Case Appears Frivolous
Approximately 15 million civil lawsuits are filed every year, and not all of them are legitimate. Read More»
Home insurance is there to help you protect your house in the event of an emergency. While you may view several expensive and unexpected jobs as emergencies, they may not fall under your home insurance policy’s list of covered events. It is important to know what is and is not covered before you attempt to file a claim. Here are three things your home insurance does not cover and why. Read More»
Many people don’t have enough homeowner’s insurance, and it’s easy to understand why. In the busy time when you’re buying a home, it can be easy to miss details in your homeowner’s insurance policy, or even underestimate what kind of coverage you might need in your new home. And then when you’ve settled into your home, how often do you review the details of your home insurance policy? For many homeowners, the answer is, “ Read More»