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Commercial Insurance: 4 Things Small Businesses Need To Consider

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Starting a business is complex and overwhelming all on its own, but then you have to think about finding the right insurance for it, which opens up a whole new door of complicated. There is so much to consider, from health coverage to liability to auto insurance. As you are figuring out what your small business needs to ensure it is covered in the event of a disaster, here are four things to keep in mind: Read More»

How To Prepare for Theft from Your Home or Auto

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While you may hope that it never happens to you, it’s likely that you may be a victim of theft from your vehicle or burglary of your home. This is especially true if you live in a densely populated area such as a city or suburb of a major metropolitan area. However, you can take steps to prepare both for prevention of theft and dealing with its aftermath by being aware of possible vulnerabilities and removing temptations from prospective thieves. Read More»

3 Important Reasons For Small Business Owners To Have Workers Compensation Insurance

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Are you the owner of a small business? Are you thinking of expanding and hiring a few more employees? Expansion obviously comes with additional costs and overhead that must be figured in before you can properly decide whether or not expansion is possible at this time or if you must alter your plans at all. One cost that can be easy to forget is that of workers compensation. This may be something that you haven’t had to worry about before but that you’ll now have to deal with. Read More»

3 Tips for Getting the Best Deal on Car Insurance

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If you are in search of car insurance for one or more of your vehicles, it is important that you shop around so that you can get the very best insurance possible, at the best deal possible. Thankfully, there are certain things that you can do to help ensure that you get exactly what you want out of your car insurance provider. This article is going to discuss 3 tips for getting the best deal on car insurance. Read More»

3 Extra Types Of Coverage You May Want To Have On Your Auto Insurance

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When you buy a car, whether it’s new or used, you will need to have a sufficient amount of auto insurance coverage on it. You are probably aware of this, and you may already have collision and comprehensive coverage on it, but what about coverage for extra things you might need? Here are three types of extra coverage you might want to consider adding to your existing policy. Roadside assistance Read More»

4 Necessities To Compare On Auto Insurance Quotes

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If you are trying to save money each month, getting quotes for your auto insurance might be a good way to do this. To save money on auto insurance, you may want to call several companies and ask for quotes for coverage. When you receive the quotes, you should compare them so you can find the best coverage for the lowest price, and here are four important areas to compare with the quotes you receive. Read More»

Repudiating Common Auto Insurance Notions

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Auto accidents can be an issue that many people will find themselves facing. Due to the sizable costs of damages and injuries, individuals that are involved in these accidents can quickly find themselves facing extremely expensive liabilities. While auto insurance can be extremely effective for reducing these liabilities, it is a form of protection that is often poorly understood by drivers. Myth: Insurance Only Covers Damages To Your Car It is often assumed that your auto insurance will only cover the damages that occur to your car. Read More»

3 Simple Ways To Save Money On Your Homeowners Insurance

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Every homeowner should carry home insurance through a place like Daniel L. Rust Insurance. It is the safest way to protect one of your largest investments and it will keep you and your family safe. However, many people spend more on insurance than they need to because they fail to do a couple things. Here are some simple things that you can do to save on your homeowners insurance. 1. Put More Down On The House Read More»

Is Your Teenager About to Be a Licensed Driver? How to Keep Your Auto Insurance Under Control

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If you’re concerned that your auto insurance is going to go through the roof once you add your teenager to the policy, you have good reason to be. Studies show that insurance premiums can go up by about 80%, depending on which state you live in. That’s an increase that can take a bite out of just about any monthly budget. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to reduce the cost to insure your teenage driver. Read More»

Answers to a Few Questions About Home-Insurance Policies

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Insuring your home to prevent financial losses is one of the most important aspects of being a homeowner. However, it is a reality that many individuals lack the experience necessary to make sound decisions when it comes to getting the most from an insurance policy. To help you with this part of being a homeowner, you might benefit from having the following routinely asked home-insurance policy questions answered. Why Should You Have Your Property Appraised Every Few Years? Read More»