When you are shopping for auto insurance coverage, it’s essential to distinguish facts from misconceptions. Auto insurance myths usually result from common knowledge assumptions, and the myths can cause a lot of confusion.
Here are the common auto insurance myths debunked.
Myth: Red Vehicles Are More Expensive to Insure
There is a notion that red and bright-colored vehicles are more expensive to insure. However, this is a misconception, as color does not affect auto insurance premiums. Read More»
If you’re purchasing your first vehicle or moving out of your parent’s insurance, you probably have questions about getting car insurance. First, auto insurance has a financial side that involves selecting the best coverage and deductible that suits your pocket. Additionally, you must understand what the cover will do for you to reap maximum benefits from it. To help you in the selection process, take a look at the following guiding tips. Read More»
If you own a business, you want to do everything in your power to protect your investment against all types of emergencies, including natural disasters. That’s where the right plan comes into play. If you haven’t implemented a natural disaster plan for your business, now’s the time to get started on that. Regardless of where your business is located, there are natural disasters that can destroy your livelihood. If you’re not sure how to get started, read the list provided below. Read More»
While an Original Medicare plan should provide you with decent coverage, there will likely still be a “co-insurance” amount or deductible that you may be expected to pay to your healthcare provider even if Medicare is paying for most of your bill. Today, it’s possible to get coverage for this “gap’ in Original Medicare by enrolling in a Medicare supplement plan. Here’s a little more information about how these plans work and what you might want to know before enrolling in one. Read More»
When you get a car, there are some specific things that you are going to need to do. One thing you may have to do depending on where you live is to have a smog check done. In these areas, you may have to show proof of your car passing the smog check in order to register it. If it doesn’t pass, you need to have the issue fixed. You also need to make sure you have insurance before you start driving the car. Read More»