3 Tips To Prepare For Potential Injuries While You're Working In Another Country
If you are going to be working in another country, you might be really excited about seeing and experiencing different things. However, you might also be concerned about what could happen when you're working in another country. For example, you could be concerned about the potential that you will get injured. Of course, workplace injuries can happen anywhere, but they can be particularly frightening if they happen while you're far away from home. To help prepare yourself, follow these tips.
1. Purchase DBA Insurance Before You Leave
First of all, did you know that there are insurance policies that can help provide you with workers compensation coverage even when you are working outside of the United States? DBA insurance, which is coverage that came into play after the Defense Base Act was put into action, is designed for this purpose. Before you leave to head out of the country, ask your employer about any insurance coverage that might be in place to help protect you in the event that you are injured while you're away. If this coverage is not available through your employer, you may want to talk to an insurance agent to find out about buying a policy to protect yourself.
2. Learn How to Ask for Medical Assistance
If you are going to be in a country in which English is not a commonly spoken language, then you could be worried about the potential of there being a language barrier if you get injured. Learning how to ask for medical assistance in the primary language in the country that you will be working with can help you ensure that you know how to ask for help if you need it.
3. Find Out About the Emergency Numbers to Call
Different areas and different countries have different emergency numbers for you to call when you need assistance. Make sure that you are aware of these phone numbers; if necessary, save them in your phone so that you will not forget them. Then, you will know who to call so that you can ask for assistance.
As you can see, even though there is really nothing that you can do to completely prevent yourself from being injured when you're working in another country, there are things that you can do to help you prepare yourself for any injuries that might occur. If you follow these tips, then you can help ensure that you are properly equipped to handle the situation in the event that you do get injured while working outside of the United States.